Update 0.9.3Beta aka The Last Version

Welcome back!

You may be asking what is going on and I don't blame you!
In short I will start development of this game from scratch.

It's been a year when First version of CatchThatEgg (GetDinoFood) was brought to the public (Version 0.3.1Alpha). From there most game code changed, but it was only to show how would it look like and test some concepts.  Because of this many game code would break and stop working (For example Catching system wouldn't work when Saves were introduced. A simple Data reset would work, but it needs to work from the start, without making player to some steps to fix it.). And I would need to examine the code because I never made any comments (That was a stupid idea...). That's from where my decision was made to restart the development.

First build will be published when I finish things listed in post made on rentry.co .

Rentry.co post

But why is 0.9.3Beta Version named Last version if there will be a new version soon? It's all in the name of builds. From now on Versions will be replaced with Builds. For example version 0.9.3 would be build 37.


GDFlast.zip Play in browser
Sep 14, 2024


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Cool I’m excited to see how this game progresses